Friday, July 31, 2009

2009 MLB Trade Deadline Moves

July 22:
Boston Redsox Get--1B Adam LaRoche
Pittsburgh Pirates Get--SS Argenis Dias and P Hunter Strickland
St. Louis Cardinals Get--IF Julio Lugo
Boston Redsox Get--OF Chris Duncan
July 23:
Colorado Rockies Get--RHP Rafael Betancourt
Cleveland Indians Get--RHP Connor Graham
July 24:
St. Louis Cardinals Get--OF Matt Holliday
Oakland Athletics Get--3B Brett Wallace, OF Shane Peterson, and RHP Clayton Mortensen
July 27:
San Francisco Giants Get--1B Ryan Garko
Cleveland Indians Get--LHP Scott Barnes
July 29:
Seattle Mariners Get--SS Jack Wilson and RHP Ian Snell
Pittsburgh Pirates Get--C/1B Jeff Clement, SS Ronny Cedeno, RHP Aaron Pribanic, RHP Brett Lorin, and RHP Nathan Adcock
Philadelphia Phillies Get--LHP Cliff Lee and OF Ben Francisco
Cleveland Indians Get--RHP Jason Knapp, RHP Carlos Carrasco, C Lou Marson, and SS Jason Donald
San Francisco Giants Get--2B Freddy Sanchez
Pittsburgh Pirates Get--RHP Tim Alderson
Chicago Cubs Get--LHP John Grabow and LHP Tom Gorzelanny
Pittsburgh Pirates Get--RHP Kevin Hart and RHP Jose Ascanio
July 30:
Los Angeles Dodgers Get--LHP George Sherrill
Baltimore Orioles Get--3B Jose Bell and RHP Steve Johnson
July 31(Trade Deadline):
Florida Marlins Get--1B Nick Johnson
Washington Nationals Get--LHP Aaron Thompson
Atlanta Braves Get--1B Adam LaRoche
Boston Redsox Get--1B Casey Kotchman
Detroit Tigers Get--LHP Jarrod Washburn
Seattle Mariners Get--LHP Lucas French and LHP Mauricio Robles
Minnesota Twins Get--SS Orlando Cabrera
Oakland Athletics Get--SS Tyler Ladendorf
Chicago Whitesox Get--RHP Jake Peavy
San Diego Padres Get--LHP Aaron Poreda, LHP Clayton Richard, RHP Dexter Carter, and RHP Adam Russell
Boston Redsox Get--1B/C Victor Martinez
Cleveland Indians Get--RHP Jason Masterson, LHP Nick Hagadone, and RHP Bryan Price
Jeff's Trade Deadline Winner: Boston Redsox
Brief--Their most notable trade was that-of-which landed C/1B Victor Martinez from the Cleveland Indians. They needed a jolt in their lineup to get their offense going again and Martinez can do just that which exactly what they wanted, and needed. They also got 1B Casey Kotchman from the Atlanta Braves to add to their deapth.
Jeff's Trade Deadline Loser: Cleveland Indians
Brief--They gave up two proven "stars" such as Cliff Lee, Victor Martinez and also gave up three good role players in Ryan Garko, Ben Francisco, and Rafael Betancourt. Despite giving up all that, they didn't get a single Major Leaguer who has proven himself. In the past two seasons, the Indians have given up the reigning AL Cy Young Winner and haven't gotten a Major League Player in either deal.

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